While it is known that a good diet makes it possible to remain healthy and age well, malnutrition is a major public health issue, especially among the elderly.
From the age of 50, appetite decreases even though nutritional needs remain the same or even increase.
What causes malnutrition varies from person to person. It can be due to loss of autonomy, depression, social isolation, change of environment, mistreatment, teething problem & poor oral health, chronic or neurological diseases, decreased taste, smell or difficulty chewing or swallowing …
Not eating well leads to weight loss, muscle wasting, an increased risk of falls, a decrease in immune defenses & consequently, an increased risk of infection, or mental disorders. Overall, malnutrition can result in a reduction of the quality of life, which then leads to an acceleration of aging and a reduction in autonomy.
For those living alone and the elderly, the appetite and the urge to eat well can be difficult to do. Usually it is weight loss that alerts families and friends that a person is not getting enough nutrition.
How can we find out whether our elders are eating well before it is too late?
One solution would be to measure the frequency of meals with sensors installed in the home that can analyze the time spent in the kitchen, water consumption at the sink or the number of times the refrigerator is open. This analysis of data based on a history of habits and behaviors then makes it possible to accurately measure changes in the nutrition of the single person and alert caregivers to respond to this new situation while the time is right.
Photo by Vincent Rivaud from Pexels
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